Dead Men Again

we are dead men again
back from secondment to the living
resuscitated by clerical error
only to be unborn
like an upsy-daisy brush fire
reverted back to dull smoke and wet logs
like an anti-clockwise Phoenix
like a reverse mortgage

we are dead men again
left over, and
left behind men
like a calico swirl of leaf litter on asphalt
ran-over, tired men
worn down rubber men
trying to erase the past — but
stuck: re-running around
the same seasons —
the same lights,
the same camera,
the same action
stuck: re-winding back again
the same spoiled ending

we are dead men again
stuck on repeat men
as if the entire historical record
were burnt onto a scratched
bootleg CD

like a rainbow inside an oil slick pool
with no start and no end
and no direction for a future —
real or imagined —
pot of gold

like the painter who realizes
every still life will perish too
no different than the bowl of oranges
gently yielding their form to an eclipse
of powder green mold

like a puzzle piece forced into play
with the right look
but in the wrong place
at the wrong time
taking the mulligan, again, and again
but still stuck
unable to match the picture on the box
unable to solve the boundary crux
unable to find the final fit
not now
not quickly
not at all

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